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What We Carry at The Garden Shop

Our outdoor stock changes with the seasons and when you head indoors you'll be met with houseplants, seeds, and more more. Thanks to our new retail space, we can now carry some maybe new-to-you products to keep your indoor growing going. We're stocked up on various rooting hormones, perfect for propagating. 


Plan on curing the winter blues with some mid-season sowing? We have all kinds of seeds in the shop plus the supplies to help you succeed! From heat mats to humidity domes and seedling trays...we have supplies to get you through! Just think of the possibilities-- you can create a little greenhouse oasis for your plants while we all adjust to the colder months.


Let's talk about light! We fell back an hour last week, and you may have already noticed a change in your plant's behavior. Enter Miracle LED. We're huge fans of this brand for their ease of use and spectrums of light. They have a one-stop greenhouse in a box or even bulbs that can be switched out with any light fixture or lamp with ease!

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